






UX Designer


Squirro - Design Sprint


Patrice Neff - Chief Customer Officer 

Problem Statement

Introducing data driven support optimization to the ITSM, with Squirro's data analysis it was easy to keep track of the ticketing system. Thanks to this tool, teams where able to follow up issues and report current status in between without loosing time and improving the communication between departments and customers.


In this project, the startup Squirro was lending its services to process data in the Swisscom ITSM, using AI in order to provide solutions in their call centre.  By using keywords to search the ticketing system, they could automatically find previous solutions given to a similar problem that the call centre operator was having. This helped to improve the quality of service and reduce the time required to solve the problem. 


Service Blueprint

In order to create an efficient tool, we needed to use the Service Blueprint so that we could see the chain of various operators and what could cause possible frustration for the customer. Using this, we were able to improve the quality of customer experience. In this case, our users were the call centre operators. 

SC-Service-Blueprint - 1.png

Swisscom ITSM


Design Sprint

Day 1

We had the opportunity to meet with a team from the call centre and take on the main challenge of how to position the Squirro tool within the ITSM. One issue we noticed was that operators usually had many windows open at the same time and the tool needed to be a part of all the processes that the operators needed to follow in order to report a problem.  


Day 2

Once we knew where we wanted to add the tool, we discussed this with the users and carried out tests to see which was the best way of organising these solutions and which information would be useful for the users to have. 


Day 3

We used the ‘How might we?’ method to question how we could resolve certain problems that were occurring in the everyday work of the user. This allowed us to see how our original suggestion would really cover the needs of the phone operators in their daily work. We also offered a Major Incident Reporting system which detected recurring incidents within a timeframe and provided a quick solution. 


Day 4

By generating wireframes and modules, we designed the initial tool that could be implemented, taking into account what has been discussed on previous days. 


Day 5

On the last day, we presented the design to a group from the call centre and we did a heuristic test to test the solution that we were proposing was ready to implement.


Learning and Takeaways

On completing the design sprint, not only were we able to produce a functional tool, but we were also able to reduce the frustrations that were arising within the team by obtaining a rapid response to the problems that there customers were having. Based on this first design sprint, we were then able to integrate it within the tool so that it could be used for other clients.